Feeling Settled? Or Like You’ve Settled?
This week let’s think about the difference between ‘feeling settled’ and ‘feeling like you have settled’.
It is common during the years that we are raising little kids to be making choices that are less risky day to day and delightfully sensible but lacking in adventure and spontaneity.
How do you over there actively seek out your personal sweet spot by make choices that meet your family’s needs as well as your own? And navigating enough safe-choicing alongside healthy doses of choosing from your heart and not just your head.
Who even knows if I’m coherent today. I’ve had two quarter-strength lattes at Corner Lane Espresso and am feeling the effects of operating big accelerator and small brakes (good insight into how it is to be my 13 yr old son lately navigating my day doing the first thing that comes to mind and not really being able to concentrate for long

Sing out here or in your private messaging option re how you approach this blurry area of wanting to be ‘settled’ but not soooo settled that life is safe but boooooring.