
Mel is a wonderful support for parents. She works so closely and pays attention to (and remembers!) the details that matter to you.
She guides with research based support, loads of empathy and experience.

Beth H
Thank you very much for the seminar the other night! Both Holly and I came away with a bit of breathing space knowing just simply that we are not the only ones out there struggling and also to be able to have a laugh about common experiences and stories that we all go though as parents.
We both really got a lot out of the night and it has made a huge difference to our house already, so thank you.

Luke H
My wife and I signed up for the Circle of Security course, we weren’t sure what we were going to get out of it but it completely changed the way we parent for the better.
Our kids are more settled and as a family we are much calmer and happier.
Mel is amazing. She was so easy to talk to, very relatable and so much more!

James R

I have been catered for so well, my family is becoming closer with the tools and techniques I have learnt are proving valuable in application.
I look forward creating stronger bonds, opening better communication and understanding between myself and with my children.
Thank you so much.

Greg E
In a turbulent sea of parenting assistance options, blogs and well intentioned friend’s comments Love Parenting has been a steadfast and experienced lighthouse with Mel as its’ supportive, knowledgable and wise keeper who has guided me through some tough parenting issues over the past year.
She offers assistance, strategies to use, advice on other avenues if needed and listening ears that make me feel supported.
In a nutshell at my lowest points she has offered me a helping hand and I cherish that.

Belinda S
We initially contacted Mel so we could have some strategies for managing our kids behaviours. In just 3 zoom sessions, we have been shown strategies which have helped our family significantly.
We now have a better understanding of how to interact with our kids to de-escalate behaviours and this is done with much less frustration. I’m sure our neighbours appreciate not having to listen to “go to your room” several times a day! Knowledgeable and empathic,
Mel’s input is highly recommended!

Ali M

Megan S
Practical, knowledgeable and relevant advice with no feeling of judgement given. Mel is skillful, resourceful and flexible and when she checks back in, she’s genuine and gentle, not Just doing so because It’s part of her job.
I believe she is made for this line of work and I truly appreciate the guidance given by her.

Tess D
Mel is a total treasure to have alongside you in parenting. She helps you figure out the way you want to be as a parent and keeps you connected to that as you navigate the ups & downs of daily life.
It’s not about doing things perfectly, or her way- it’s totally personalised. Having Mel alongside me this year has been a significant contributing factor to my wellbeing.
And she is completely hilarious and brings all kind of local know-how to share too.