Parent Coaching

Parenting Reset

Get on the same parenting page

Working together towards raising resilient successful kids is quite likely the biggest mission you and your partner will ever undertake.

What makes it bonecrunchingly taxing, and then hard to do well, is not feeling united around a clear agreed-on plan.

Parents I work with commonly book in saying they are navigating concerns about differences in parenting styles alongside individual worries around whether they are ‘doing enough‘, ‘getting it right‘ or inadvertently ‘doing damage‘.

A Parenting Reset is a chance to be professionally supported as a couple to come up for air and ask yourselves (more formally than you have probably had a chance to since the little blighters arrived):

“Righto – what’s our plan here?”

“…and what key efforts will we benefit from putting the bulk of our finite energy into?”

There is a real security that comes from consulting a professional about what you are trying, how that is playing out, and ways you might tweak what you are doing for greater result.

Guided by credible research we will work together to have you returning home more confident in the ways you are:


  • fostering connection
  • giving clear and calm instructions
  • effectively setting and holding limits
  • emotion coaching your child
  • managing your own emotional flooding
Parent Coaching
Parent Coaching

Get a little intro

I’d love to a have a quick 15min chat to work out how I can best help you.

A Parenting Reset Includes:


Self-Directed Pre-Session Activities

x5 sent out to you as soon as you sign up. The information you will generate across to me by doing these activities will be terrifically helpful once we sit down face to face. Allow 5-10 mins to work through each activity – more if you opt to use them as powerful couple conversation starters or to journal to.


Pre-Session Videos

x5 provided for you to be able to cover some key concepts prior to your Private Session. Each one is 5 mins so set yourself up with a cuppa and the good snacks to hit them all at once.. or chip away during the leadup to coming in.


Private Session (2.5hrs)

2.5hrs of child-free time for us to get our heads together and deep-dive into your unique situation which you will have already articulated, identify together where you would most benefit from making changes, and customise an evidence-based plan to step forward with.


Implementation Roadmap

Head home with a customised at-a-glance plan to support your next steps toward more connection and less overwhelm feeling clear, bite-size and doable.


Customised Goodie Bags

Each week for 5 weeks I will personally deliver to your door a curated resource package. Each drop will contain a hard copy of whatever conversation script / checklist / tipsheet / activity sheet / family meeting guide will support you through what you are implementing. There will also be a physical resource each week for you to teach / engage with at your regular family meeting.


Implementation Support

5 weekly Zoom calls with me to debrief how your latest family meeting went, reflect outloud how you are feeling navigating the implementation process, brainstorm anything that’s come up, or whoop for joy in response to a long-sought-after positive change coming to fruition. I look forward to vigorously ringing my celebration bell for you every chance we get!

Ongoing Support Options

Once we have worked together through a Parenting Reset you will have me as an ongoing resource. Parenting Check-In Sessions can look like us walking together, sitting together in Moa and Co. Cafe/Conscious Marketplace, or Zoom calling. Book in here.

Parent Coaching


payment plan available
($200 per week over 10 weeks)

Parent Coaching

Online Courses

I have been curating my 17 years Parenting Education experience into some online offerings. Pop over and see if they could work for you and your family!


We came to Mel with a mix of big and little problems – big picture stuff of how we work as a family and parent as a team – as well as specific little things we wanted help with like meal times, managing big emotions and getting out the door. Mel nailed allllll of it. 

Our Parenting Reset was such a good combo of exercises and ideas that have grounded us in our general parenting as well as great practical problem solving for specific issues.

We both felt so heard and validated by Mel and appreciated the flexibility and responsiveness of her advice to what suited us and our values as a family.

Love Parenting Newcastle

Sarah A

Read experiences from real parents

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