
Our OWN back-to-school needs

Our OWN back-to-school needs

How in heck are ‘our own back-to-school needs’ and respect/gratitude related? Well – last year my most hotly asked questions were ‘How do I teach my child gratitude?’ followed closely by ‘How do I teach my child respect’ from parents looking hopefully at me to tell...

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School Holiday Teachable Moments

School Holiday Teachable Moments

Christmas is over. New Years has been and gone. For many families the family holiday away has passed as well. Still to come for many of the families I work with are weeks and weeks of juggling being back at work while at the same time keeping the kids adequately...

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5 tips for going into these school holidays strong

5 tips for going into these school holidays strong

Parents all across town are nervous.  Fair enough.  We haven’t done an Easter break like this before but we have relationship with our family we can draw on and I’m sitting these five tips here for you to consider as you think through how you are going to best...

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The Glorification of Busy

The Glorification of Busy

A theme in my world this month has been the juggle parents have of doing all that they have committed to, AND providing their children (and themselves) the time it takes to tune in. Maybe it is on my radar because jumping through the required hoops of the Love...

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Parenting through the Barrage of Conflicting Information

Parenting through the Barrage of Conflicting Information

A huge theme this month has been all the ‘conflicting information’ we encounter as parents. Over and over again there has been glaring examples of how much our parenting stress amps-up when we try and navigate these mixed messages. It came up big-time in last week’s...

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How Do Families That Thrive Do It?

How Do Families That Thrive Do It?

‘Take time OUT of your business to work ON your business’ is something I constantly hear as pivotal to success in entrepreneurville (which I entered in April this year when I left my 10 yr government-funded position as a Parenting Worker to launch Love Parenting)....

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When your kids want to quit

When your kids want to quit

Imagine this – it is Sunday. You are just back from a fabulous holiday and the back to work dread has crept in. You moan to your partner, saying you wish you didn’t have to work tomorrow and how ready you are to quit that place. You KNOW you have to go, and that you...

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Our relationships with our kids are complex.  Often there is one we just find so eaaaasy. And one who we just don’t find easy. Life gets hard when this dynamic exacerbates. If you can relate to this, and are feeling the stress from it, then listen in here for a chat I...

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Sometimes my partner’s disciplining scares me

Sometimes my partner’s disciplining scares me

Maybe you are familiar with this situation – standing to one side cringing at the level of emotion that your partner is dishing out to your child.  Every molecule of you reacting to the fact it has gotten more physical or more shame-evoking than you know is useful and...

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Our Child’s Inner Critic

Our Child’s Inner Critic

When our kids say things like “I’m not pretty” or “I’m so dumb” we can easily worry that it is a reflection of how they feel about themselves in general and non-usefully project forward visualising them as teens all bound up in angst and self-hate head to toe in black...

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Connecting through Complimenting

Connecting through Complimenting

Whether our kids are unsure of themselves or brimming with confidence, it is useful to think about the way we connect with them through compliments. I will include a link to a TED talk below, in which Cheryl Ferguson, a music teacher from Winnipeg in Canada who beams...

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Ready for big school

Ready for big school

One minute we are birthing them, the next we are buying sensible black shoes and prepping them for big school.  Like at any time of transition… the emotion that sits around this event has the potential to blow out as our parenting fears send us a bit wobbly.

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