When your kids want to quit

When your kids want to quit

Imagine this – it is Sunday. You are just back from a fabulous holiday and the back to work dread has crept in. You moan to your partner, saying you wish you didn’t have to work tomorrow and how ready you are to quit that place. You KNOW you have to go, and that you...

Our relationships with our kids are complex.  Often there is one we just find so eaaaasy. And one who we just don’t find easy. Life gets hard when this dynamic exacerbates. If you can relate to this, and are feeling the stress from it, then listen in here for a chat I...
Sometimes my partner’s disciplining scares me

Sometimes my partner’s disciplining scares me

Maybe you are familiar with this situation – standing to one side cringing at the level of emotion that your partner is dishing out to your child.  Every molecule of you reacting to the fact it has gotten more physical or more shame-evoking than you know is useful and...
Our Child’s Inner Critic

Our Child’s Inner Critic

When our kids say things like “I’m not pretty” or “I’m so dumb” we can easily worry that it is a reflection of how they feel about themselves in general and non-usefully project forward visualising them as teens all bound up in angst and self-hate head to toe in black...
Connecting through Complimenting

Connecting through Complimenting

Whether our kids are unsure of themselves or brimming with confidence, it is useful to think about the way we connect with them through compliments. I will include a link to a TED talk below, in which Cheryl Ferguson, a music teacher from Winnipeg in Canada who beams...
Ready for big school

Ready for big school

One minute we are birthing them, the next we are buying sensible black shoes and prepping them for big school.  Like at any time of transition… the emotion that sits around this event has the potential to blow out as our parenting fears send us a bit wobbly.  ...