
Sharing the Household Load

Sharing the Household Load

I am passionate to the hilt about supporting parents to ‘Share the Household Load’ in a way that is a fit for them. We all want to parent more in the way we intend to, rather than the way we revert to when we are stretched. A key first step is to look at what each adult in the family is responsible for, and whether that is realistic / fair / sustainable. Read here about Penny and Dan’s story working with me through their version of this dilemma.

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Responding to “I hate you”

Responding to “I hate you”

Something really useful a Parenting Reset couple did lately was bring in a bullet pointed list of things their child says in a conflict situation. Like most households they had one trigger-happy child quick to whip out the dreaded 'I hate you' Like most parents,...

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DIVA MOMENTS – How to Protect Daily Time for Just You!

DIVA MOMENTS – How to Protect Daily Time for Just You!

  Parenting a child who seemingly can't follow an instruction to save their life, and shame about one's own yelling are the two key reasons that parents link in to access me as a Parenting Coach alongside them. This blog is to talk about how you can use a basic...

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Get The Most Out Of Your Vouchers

Get The Most Out Of Your Vouchers

Today on Raising Wildlings Mel will be discussing the new accommodation vouchers that have just dropped into the Service NSW App & her thoughts on how we can use them.

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Sexual Assault Awareness Month Special

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Special

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month & on todays podcast Louise deep dives into the statistics, the myths & the important conversations that are needed to shine a light on this issue. Louise chats to Haylee Penfold- sex & health editor of Ramona...

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Rapid-Fire Requests

Rapid-Fire Requests

Can I use this?  Be driven there?  Be bought that?  Invite such and-such over? It's hard to be the recipient of rapid-fire school holiday requests from our kids.   Mark and Sarah were in the thick of this with their two early-high schoolers.  There was building...

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Identifying Our Christmas Tipping Point

Identifying Our Christmas Tipping Point

How has it been to be you over there so far this month? What are you trying to manage in terms of trying to make this festive season special?We know families have the most joyfully memorable Christmases when as parents we are able to mindfully be present. It can be...

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Like a Metronome

Like a Metronome

I love the first Sunday of the month. I idle my car outside Susan's house at 7am. She leaps off her front porch, jumps in and directs me to whatever part of Lake Macquarie she has thought of to introduce me to. We bushwalk, go out for quarter-strength lattes 😆 and I...

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A Working from Home Tip

A Working from Home Tip

Wear clothes that signify to yourself and your kids when you are in work-mode. Helen from New Lambton Family Chiropractic became as animated as heck when we started talking about this during my adjustment this morning. She too swears by it as an act of self-care that...

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The 'brain rewiring' this dad mentions is him saying he didn't just get a strategy for the issue he came in to discuss....he got a new more useful way of looking at situations that arise in order to work out what is needed. My role is not to merely throw more...

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