
Let Them Feel

Let Them Feel

Important point: We aren't trying to make feelings 'go away' As parents, our big learnings are towards working out how we can support our kids to have feelings and express them. We aren't measuring the success of our hard work by how compliant and contained they...

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The Co-Regulation Hold

The Co-Regulation Hold

A portable technique you can take wherever you go. The important pieces are: - that you explain it and do a practice run with your child before you actually use it (so that they understand the tone of is 'for' them not 'against' them) - it is for when they...

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Celebrating Wins is Key

Celebrating Wins is Key

By reflecting on what worked well we get insight into what we might be well-placed to keep prioritising. We can 'see the woods for the trees' in a celebration headspace way more clearly than when we are in overwhelm-ville. Hence, we get important clues from there for...

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Teen Drinking Tip

Teen Drinking Tip

Tip: Rather than taking it out, consider leaving the alcohol in the fridge down where your teens will be with friends staying over and take a pic to be able to look back on if you get a gut feeling that they have stepped over that line and consumed some... Noticing...

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Teens Hosting Sleepovers

Teens Hosting Sleepovers

A deterrent for having a crew of lads stay over can sometimes be the work and expense of filling all those apparently hollow legs. We are entering teen-ville over here and gosh it's lovely being able to bang out some bulk one-pot wonders that are a solid alternative...

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Keeping it Simple

Keeping it Simple

I realised while out harvesting some veg-loot just now that I love to garden in the same way I advocate we approach parenting. Discerningly putting our effort into things that assist the long game. Keeping it simple and uncomplicated by spending the bulk of our energy...

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The Lime Tree – Giving Back

The Lime Tree – Giving Back

The lime tree outside Love Parenting Studio is one of my favourite things to nurture. There is such a direct correlation between me loving-in on it and it thriving and it giving back. This is the last of this season's limes, but it knows I am alongside it and it's...

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Transitions are Hard

Transitions are Hard

Think of when you don't want something to end. Like a massage. Then think of what the masseuse does to clearly and respectfully cue to you and hold the boundary. They don't say..." ok...5more mins" and then "ok...another 5 more mins" if you look uncomfortable about it...

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Partnered…But Feeling Un-Partnered

Partnered…But Feeling Un-Partnered

Parenting is hard enough. Doing it day-in and day-out while feeling lonely in your partnership takes it to a whole other level. Wishing your co-parent could step into both the co-parenting and the romantic relationship more than they have been able to makes for big...

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Yelling Shame

Yelling Shame

The most common thing for parents I meet with to be stressed and shamed about is their yelling. They report being mightily confused and confronted by how they can calmly manage a team of staff at work only to elevate into a shrieking hot mess around that particular...

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Our Child’s Anger

Our Child’s Anger

We are all trying to raise kids who can manage their anger. In order for them to grow that skill we need to let them feel the feeling so they can experientially learn how to navigate it.  Day-to-day life will deal them a bazillion opportunities to navigate anger if we...

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