
Apprentice Support

Apprentice Support

Another great @corner.lane.espresso crossover one Monday morning was with Jamie. We spoke about the unique and important support role tradies play day-in-and-day-out for the apprentices they take on. The research tells us that the key predictor of an adolescent...

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A Place for Play

A Place for Play

I recently got to cuppa with Jacqui who runs @a_place_for_play facilitating @rieorganization -inspired sessions with parents and their littlies aged 4 mths to 2 yrs. I'm going to drop some links down below. One about what RIE is, and another where her service was...

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Running Bare – Oh Good Golly

Running Bare – Oh Good Golly

I sit with parents week in and week out rabbiting on about how important it is that we deal in ALL members of our family so (rather than growing up feeling 'entitled') our kids grow up with a sense that they are part of a team where all the players needs are important...

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Parenting and Neuroscience

Parenting and Neuroscience

Hard to remember (and manage to do) if your own formative years were spent in a household with parents who believed they were preparing you for the big world by regularly wielding their power and attempting to 'teach you a lesson' using punishment rather than...

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Instruction Giving

Instruction Giving

Want to get your child to more easily transition off screens and up to the dinner table? Build yourself in a couple of seconds to move to where they are and give them a 5 min warning (from arms length... maybe crouched down to their level, using their name/ physical...

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Megan’s Parenting Story

Refreshingly vulnerable and gorgeously articulated, this post by Megan is so validating for folk wading waistdeep in parenting shame and 'blurgh' right now. It's been SUCH a taxing time to be a parent and she shares so honestly the feels of how she 'bottomed out'...

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Separation Support

Separation Support

Fiona the friendly Family Lawyer from Delaney Roberts and I got to sit, drink tea and explore commonalities this week. Within mins of plopping ourselves down on the Love Parenting Studio lounge we discovered that as well as a passion for supporting families through...

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Mental Health Occupational Therapist

Mental Health Occupational Therapist

Karina is a Mental Health Occupational Therapist who I can't wait to link families in with once she is all set to go in her new private practice. Last year was particularly big for the teenagers in our community. Through the pandemic the littlies got their needs...

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Parenting as an Empathetic Witness

Parenting as an Empathetic Witness

Parenting is not about protecting our kids from experiencing hard stuff. It's about being an empathetic witness when they do. And having them grow up secure in the trust that they can count on us for that. This is also how we do the important work towards reducing...

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In High Demand

In High Demand

"Can everyone just stop NEEDING so much!?" the essence of so many conversations I have with parents. Often it is that they come into Love Parenting from the parenting coalface where they have been working hard hard hard at being the parent they wish they had...

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If Nothing Mattered

If Nothing Mattered

IF NOOOOTHING MATTERED Let's play. Shut your eyes... Imagine you are between jobs. You just got a juicy redundancy from your last role and the next one has a start date of 1st Jan next year. Between now and then you have all the time in the world, money aplenty and...

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Feeling Settled? Or Like You’ve Settled?

Feeling Settled? Or Like You’ve Settled?

Feeling Settled? Or Like You've Settled? This week let's think about the difference between 'feeling settled' and 'feeling like you have settled'. It is common during the years that we are raising little kids to be making choices that are less risky day to day and...

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